SupportSponsor ProgramWe genuinely believe that, through cooperation and teamwork, we are capable of creating any future we wish to see. It may...
AcademiaSTEAM Academic ScholarshipWe hope to actively enable and encourage students, who otherwise may not have such an opportunity, to pursue their academic...0%Goal:$5,000Raised:$0To Go:$5,000
TechnologyVirtual Event SoftwareWe want to emphasize the enjoyment of life, as well as the pursuit of knowledge. The purpose of this virtual event software...0%Goal:$100,000Raised:$0To Go:$100,000
TechnologyVirtual Learning SoftwareThe goal of this campaign is to crowdfund an innovative, modern, large-scale educational system featuring fully accredited...0%Goal:$250,000Raised:$0To Go:$250,000