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Round #1

STEM Research Grant

Grant funding is sourced from our generous community of supporters. The recipient selection process is extremely competitive. Information regarding application submission is listed below.

Research Grant Applications Are Currently Closed!

Applications Will Become Available When Funding Is Procured

$0 / $100,000

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The Grant Program was designed to promote and reward excellence and creative vision in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine). Research grant applications are exclusively for credentialed (applicable PhD or equivalent) individuals and teams. Applications for the Grant Program open continuously, but at irregular intervals; dependent on how quickly the associated fundraising campaign is fulfilled.

Our selection process is relatively straightforward and simple. Grades do not mean everything. We care vastly more about what you can do with what you have learned. What creative application can you derive from an abstract concept? Doing so with extremely difficult coursework stands out. Can you see something in a way that nobody else has? Additionally, are you eager and passionate to share what you learn?

For an application to be considered, the candidates must meet all of the following criteria:

Similarly, the Grant Application shall include the following information:

As a stipulation of receiving a grant from us, candidates must agree to the following:

Lastly, our grant amounts are pre-determined. You will know how much the grant is for before the applications open. Be sure your budget amount is less than, but near to, the listed grant funding amount.


We are seeking advice from legal and professional counsel regarding our grant and scholarship programs. We intend to do this right, with the proper avenues for validation and support in place, and shall update this information when the program details have been finalized.